A Little About Me...

Hmmmm...I'm going to try and make this interesting. I'm a mom, which I absolutely love, I like to do crafty things and learn about anything and everything. I thought I would try this blogging thing out as a way to journal thoughts, frustrations and share some fun and exciting things, too. While I was at it, I thought I might be able to tell a little bit of my story with RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.) So, here goes nothing.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Trying Something New

I've decided to join in on all the blogging fun. I follow a few of my friends and I love reading about their lives, seeing photos, and learning new tips, tricks and recipes. I enjoy writing and I find that it can often be therapeutic. So, here I am.
Welcome to my world! I hope I can entertain and educate through my writing. Some days, it may just be venting and just a blob of nothing. My overall goal is to find an outlet for my overloaded thoughts.
Here goes nothing!